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JROTC Instructors

 Name  Phone Ext. Room
 Colonel Edward Dowgin 265225 E225
 First Sergeant Philip Webb 265224 E224
 Sergeant First Class Richard Hurt 265223 E223


Pathway Description

Successful completion of three years of JROTC satisfies graduation requirements and enables the student to enter the National Guard and Armed Forces with a two-rank increase and higher pay. Participation in the program exposes students to career and educational opportunities offered by the Armed Forces, the Federal Civil Service, Law  Enforcement, and Community Services.

Army JROTC & Public Service Pathway

JROTC Advanced Leadership Program

JROTC Photo Gallery

JROTC at Easter Seals 5K Run
JROTC at Elks Lodge Presentation
JROTC at Fort Miles Service Project
JROTC color guard at Christmas Parade
JROTC Color Guard at Cape Football
JROTC at American Legion
JROTC at Elks Lodge Check Presentation
JROTC at Christmas Parade
leadership conference