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Agricultural Science (CTE)

Agricultural Science Teachers

 Name  Phone Ext. Room
 Ryan Ellis 263128 C128
 Peter Olson 263121 C121
 Heather Valentine (CTE Dept. Co-Chair) 263127 C127




Plant Science Pathway Description

The Plant and Horticulture pathway is designed for students with an interest in plant science. Students will develop techniques in growing and cultivating plants, as well as small business skills.

Plant Science Courses

Natural Resources Management Pathway Description

This pathway is designed to give students a deep understanding of environmental science using science and technology. Students will be prepared for 21st-century environmental and natural resource problems and solutions.

Natural Resources Management Courses

Natural Resources Management AP Courses

Animal Science Pathway Description

The Animal Science pathway is designed for students who will engage in the learning process through applying mathematics, science, communication, business, technology, and the arts to solve real-life problems and make sound decisions for their future, develop higher order thinking skills, and develop a knowledge base that will enable them to understand and process new information. Students will be educated about the animal sciences industry. Students completing this pathway will be prepared for a career in the animal science industry or post-secondary education.

Animal Science & Management Courses